
How To Change Bot Image and Descriptions

Want your support or feedback bot to look like your brand?

Change its picture and words with Telegram's @BotFather.

Do this:

  1. Open the @BotFather chat in Telegram.
  2. Send /setuserpic to put a new picture for your bot.
  1. Send /setabouttext to write a small "about" for your bot.
People see the "about" text when they look at your bot's details.
  1. Send /setdescription to write text users see before they click START in the bot.
People will see the project description before starting the bot.
  1. You can also send /setdescriptionpic to put a picture above the bot's description. Use photos that are 640x360px. You can also use a GIF that's 320x180px, 640x360px, or 960x540px.