
Text Formatting

Enhance your messages in SUCH PRO with our text formatting feature, for:

Here’s how to format your text:

  1. Open the SUCH APP: Go to app.such.chat.
  2. Select Your Text: Click the message, quick reply, or welcome message you’re writing, and highlight the text you want to format. A toolbar will appear.
  1. Choose Your Formatting: Apply any of these options:
    • Bold: Make text bold.
    • Italic: Make text italic.
    • Underline: Underline text.
    • Strikethrough: Cross out text.
    • Monospace: Format code.
    • Link: Add links.
    • Quote: Add block quotes.
    • ||Spoiler||: Hide text with a spoiler tag.

Note: This feature is for all PRO bots. Learn how to upgrade to SUCH PRO for more features.