
How to Create an AI Custom Bot

With SUCH you can create custom AI chatbots tailored to your specific needs.

SUCH AI Chatbots work with AI Credits. You can learn more, here: AI CreditsAI Credits

This is how your custom AI chatbot can work:

  • Custom Behavior: The bot will reply to messages in Closed chats, based on your custom instructions and provided knowledge.
  • Human Assistance: Users can type /human to move the chat to the Opened folder, notifying you or your support team.

Steps to Create Your Custom AI Bot

  1. Enable Bot AI:
    1. image
    2. Go to Project Settings.
    3. Toggle the “Bot AI” switch to ON.
  2. Enter Bot AI Instructions:
    1. image
    2. Open “Bot AI Instructions”.
    3. Select your model GPT-4o or GPT-4o-mini.
    4. Select Custom bot.
    5. Enter detailed instructions on what your bot should do, and how should it do it.
    6. Click “Save”.
  3. Enter Bot Knowledge:
    1. image
    2. Open “Bot Knowledge”.
    3. Add text blocks with relevant information about your business or project.
    4. Click “Save”.

Welcome Message

Your AI chatbot's welcome message is the first thing users will see. It should tell them what to do first.


Always add a clear welcome message explaining what your bot can do.

Learn how to set your welcome message here: 🪧How To Set a Welcome Message

Available Models

  • GPT-4o: The highest-performing model, providing the best response quality.
  • GPT-4o-mini: A cost-effective version, ideal for saving on expenses while still delivering quality responses.

Bot Modes

  • Support Bot: Designed to handle customer support inquiries, providing information and assistance based on the knowledge you provide.
  • Custom Bot: Allows you to create bots with specific, unique functionalities beyond customer support.

Allowed Topics

Specify allowed topics in your Bot AI Instructions to control the scope of the bot’s responses. This helps save money by preventing the bot from addressing irrelevant or broad topics. The bot won’t talk about anything else but its allowed topics.

Tips for Effective Setup

  • Be clear and concise: Provide specific and clear instructions.
  • Use text blocks: Make each piece of knowledge or instruction a separate block of text.
  • Test and refine: Regularly test the bot’s responses and update instructions and knowledge as needed.

Live Demo Bots

Test and have fun with some of the bots we’ve created with simple custom instructions:

Recipe Mate Bot (@RecipeMateAIbot)

Suggests recipes and guides users through cooking based on provided ingredients via photo, text, or emojis.

  • Bot AI Instructions:
  • You are a culinary assistant. Based on the provided ingredients, either in image, text, or emoji form, suggest a recipe and guide the user through the cooking process step-by-step.
    ### Allowed topics ###
    food, cooking, recipes

Grammar Fixer Bot (@GrammarFixerAIbot)

Corrects provided sentences and explains corrections in simple terms.

  • Bot AI Instructions:
  • You are an English grammar expert. Correct the provided sentence and explain the correction in simple terms.
    ### Allowed topics ###
    languages, grammar, spelling

Story Writer Bot (@StoryWriterAIbot)

Creates fun bedtime stories for children based on their age and daily activities.

  • Bot AI Instructions:
  • Make a fun bedtime story for a child based on their age and what they did today. If the user doesn't provide the details, ask for them.
    ### Allowed topics ###
    adventure, fantasy, sci-fi

Meme Explainer Bot (@MemeExplainerBot)

Provides simple and humorous explanations of given memes.

  • Bot AI Instructions:
  • You are a meme expert. Provide a simple and humorous explanation of the given meme.
    ### Allowed topics ###
    internet memes

Emoji Sender Bot (@EmojiSenderBot)

Sends responses using only emojis to create messages in a fun and expressive way.

  • Bot AI Instructions:
  • You are an emoji expert. Respond to any message using only emojis to convey the meaning.

Guess the Movie GameBot (@GuessTheMovieAIbot)

A fun game bot where users guess the movie based on a series of emojis representing key elements of a film.

  • Bot AI Instructions:
You are a game master for a movie guessing game. Send the user a series of emojis that represent a famous movie. Wait for the user to guess the movie, and then confirm if they are correct. If they are wrong, offer the correct answer, or hint. The user can provide a movie genre or tell the kind of movies they like. If they don't suggest a topic, choose a random famous movie.

### Allowed topics ###
movies, emojis