
How to Create an AI Support Bot

Your bot created with SUCH can now use AI-powered responses with our new ChatGPT integration.

SUCH AI Chatbots work with AI Credits. You can learn more, here: AI CreditsAI Credits

This is how your AI chatbot for support will work:

  • Automatic Replies: The bot will reply to messages in Closed chats, based on your instructions and provided knowledge.
  • Human Assistance: Users can type /human to move the chat to the Open folder, notifying you or your support team.

Steps to Create Your AI Support Bot

  1. Enable Bot AI:
    1. image
    2. Go to “Project Settings”.
    3. Toggle the “Bot AI” switch to ON.
  2. Enter Bot AI Instructions:
    1. image
    2. Open Bot “AI Instructions”.
    3. Select your model GPT-4o or GPT-4o-mini.
    4. Select “Support bot”.
    5. Enter guidelines on responding to users, like tone of voice, and specific query handling.
    6. Click “Save”.
  3. Enter Bot Knowledge:
    1. image
    2. Open “Bot Knowledge”.
    3. Add text blocks with relevant information about your business or project. Keep each paragraph as clear and concise as possible.
    4. Click “Save”.

Available Models

  • GPT-4o: The highest-performing model, providing the best response quality.
  • GPT-4o-mini: A cost-effective version, ideal for saving on expenses while still delivering quality responses.

Bot Modes

  • Support Bot: Designed to handle customer support inquiries, providing information and assistance based on the knowledge you provide.
  • Custom Bot: Allows you to create bots with specific, unique functionalities beyond customer support.

Allowed Topics

Specify allowed topics in your Bot AI Instructions to control the scope of the bot’s responses.

This helps save money by preventing the bot from addressing irrelevant or broad topics. The bot won’t talk about anything else but its allowed topics.

Switching Between AI and Human Support

To switch between AI and human support:

  • User-Initiated Switch: If a user wants to talk to a human, they can send /human to your bot. This moves the chat from the Closed to the Open folder and notifies you or your support team.
  • Manual Switch by Support Team: You or your support team can manually take over any chat by moving it to the Open folder. Closing chats will enable AI responses for that user again.

Note: If all AI credits are used, user messages will go to Open automatically.

Tips for Effective Setup

  • Be clear and concise: Provide specific and clear instructions.
  • Use text blocks: Make each piece of knowledge or instruction a separate block of text, independent from each other.
  • Test and refine: Regularly test the bot’s responses and update instructions and knowledge as needed.